Blog 306 — JS311

Meng Fu
2 min readMay 11, 2021
  1. What’s the difference between operational and programmer errors?
  • Operational errors are part of everyday coding life and can happen in both development and in implementation. Operational errors don’t really have to do with having written “bad code”, it has more to do with process failure. Examples of this can be, for example, when a server fails to connect to a database. Programmer errors are the infamous ‘bugs’ that we hear all about. Programmer errors occur when there are issues with the code itself; it can typically be solved by modifying the code somehow.
  1. What is ‘event-driven’ programming?
  • Event-driven programming is a programming paradigm. This allows the program to work in a flow that is determined by the events, actions, sensor outputs etc.
  1. What are ‘worker processes’?
  • Worker processes are processes that run on a server that generates a request and response based on client-sent data.
  1. Describe how Node.js can be made more scalable.
  • Node.js is naturally scalable because of something called ‘load balancing’. Load balancing makes it so that multiple jobs can be run in such a way that callbacks are used so there are no significant obstacles that are faced.
  1. Explain global installation of dependencies.
  • Global installations of dependencies are installed in such a place where the entire computer, regardless of the working file, can access the dependency. On the contrary, local installation of dependencies is installed only in the working directory.
  1. Explain RESTful Web Service.
  • RESTful Web Services, or REST APIs is an architecture that is used to transfer the use of data and functionality through URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers). REST uses a client/server model and HTTP protocol and methods to be able to perform stateless communication.

