Learning, Learning and more Learning

Meng Fu
2 min readOct 19, 2020

1. What has your experience learning to code been like so far? What would you change about it?

My experience so far has been really challenging and fun at the same time. The most challenging part was understand when and how to apply the CSS grids and flexbox commands. The resume took me the longest time because of the CSS grid and flexbox. I go to tutoring twice a week. I’m really grateful for all ACA tutors. They were able to help and answer a lot of my questions. Now I have a better understanding on CSS grid and flexbox. I do wish the instructor can go over and explain the homeworks. We can watch him code to see he’s point of view. Other that that, everything is great. I’m really enjoy it.

2. How do you describe the DOM, as you know it so far?

The document object model (DOM) a web page make up with html document. The document is the object and under the object we have our element tags. Ex. body, h1 and div, etc. It translates the content of an HTML document into a standardized object that functional programming languages like JavaScrip can easily access and modify.

3. Can you explain the difference between coding a website to be responsive and using a mobile-first strategy?

We built website to be responsive to any smaller screens. The website should fit different types of tablets, phones and desktops. The mobile-first strategy involves designing a desktop site starting with a phone version. The website can also adapt to bigger screens as well.

4. What does coding look like to you in your mind?

Coding to me is learning a computer programming language. We have resources to give computers and machines detailed instructions on what actions to perform. It’s how humans communication with computers. This allows us to develop software programs, web pages and applications. Businesses need programmers and software developers to make their business successful.

5. Where do you see yourself working in 365 days from today? What do you want to be working on?

I can see myself working at my current company (RSI.Inc). I want to join our software development department as a full-time software developer. They support large clients with automation and filing systems. As of right now I can see myself focus more on front-end development. I want to keep a open mind and learning as I go.

Austin Coding Academy

